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Marsden College Counseling

College consulting that assists you along the path to higher education Helping students find the right college fit: academically, socially and financially

Debie Marsden

I am a professional college admissions consultant. I provide college selection and admission guidance, financial aid advice, and college and career counseling to high school students. I am experienced in college admissions consulting and have visited over 70 college campuses across the US and UK. My philosophy is guidance through experience, and this means I am equipped to advise you or your student because of my personal and professional experience as a consultant. I understand that selecting a college is a difficult process. I know that applying to colleges and financial aid is intimidating. My experience gives you the edge you need to find the college that fits the student's goals and the family's finances.

BS in Finance, CSU, Northridge
College Counselor Certification with High Distinction, UCLA Extension Program

Western Association for College Admission Counseling (WACAC)
Higher Education Consultant Association (HECA) 

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